トラキア・ヴァレー - ブルガリアワインの発祥地

The Thracian Valley, located in southern Bulgaria, is one of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world, with winemaking traditions dating back more than 3,000 years. The Thracians, who inhabited this region, were not only skilled warriors and horsemen but also pioneers in viticulture. Archaeological findings, such as wine vessels and ancient grape seeds, show that wine was deeply integrated into their culture, playing a role in rituals, trade, and everyday life.

The valley’s fertile soil and favorable climate, with warm summers and mild winters, make it ideal for growing high-quality grapes. Today, the region is recognized globally for its exceptional wines, particularly from indigenous grape varieties like MavrudRubin, and Melnik. The Thracian Valley remains the heart of Bulgarian winemaking, preserving ancient traditions while embracing modern techniques to create wines that are both unique and world-class.

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